2013年12月24日 星期二

MG 2.0 Gelgoog modiflications

[Major modiflication areas]:

[1][2] Narrowed down the shoulder so that overall porportion looks more balance between the upper and lower body.
[Head] The head has been modiflied to make it closer to the anime look.
[3] Trimmed down the front of the "nose" part
[4][5] Added putty on both sides of the head to make it looks wider

Same as MG 2.0 Zaku >>>> link

2013年12月20日 星期五

YMS-14S "Gelgoog" Commander Type - Char Aznable custom

Another Char Aznable custom moblie suit during the One Year War era. "Gelgoog" was developed to be the next generation of "Zaku II" being the core mobile suit force for the Principality of Zeon army. The "Gelgoog" has a big advancement in every circumstance, with the max power and speed 1.5 times higher than the "Zaku II" !! And it stand 19.2 meters (1.7 meters taller than zaku)!! It was also the first Zeon's moblie suit which armed with powerfull beam weapons which target to rival the Earth Federation's "white nightmare"--"RX78-2 Gundam"!!

This "Char's Gelgoog" model kit is also a 2.0 version MG same as this guy i made. It was released right after MG Zaku 2.0, same great articulation, full inner frame which armor can completely removed. As usual, I have made a slighly modification on this kit to make it better meet my expectation^^

2013年10月30日 星期三

MG Gundam MkII 2.0 - half way through

MG 2.0 Gundam MkII is always at high priority in my "Gunpla-to-do" list, so attractive are the refreshed outlook design and the highly movable mechanical structure. (pops in mind with the image of a MKII's flying kick on the packaging!) Can't wait to finished the model for some awesome action photo shots!
While in the half way of the making process, I have recorded how it goes so far with thoese modification works I've made!

The original MS designs in the Z-gundam series was quite advance at that time (1987) even nowaday you won't feel kinda "old-school" about them. When you place a MS of Gundam 00 series right beside it and you'd probably feel it~

I find the MKII appearing in the vedio game "Gundam VS" series is pretty cool, as well as the mechanical design of MKII in the new comic series "Z Gundam Define". When I'm making this model, I referenced a bit of both and make it looks more robust and sleek!
Most of the edges in this model have been sharperned up such as the chest, arms, hips, and along the legs.~ The legs are too thin to me so I have volumed them up by a bit of plastic plates. Also the face has been touched up to make it looks cooler ^^
MKII in "Z Gundam Define"

MKII in "Gundam VS"

2013年10月29日 星期二

Char's Zgok re-modelling

Not much re-make necessary for this kit, the modification mainly focus on the head and hip area.
1.Similar as the Zaku, the window area is narrowed down so that it looks so much cooler~
2.The armor near front ventaliton have some zigzag details (looks werid some how) so that I have trimed them up.
3.The hip was not wide enough, so that I have enlarged it, the overall shape (upper body and lower body) is much more balance now.
Unlike my Char Zaku color scheme, Zgok is more pinkish light red compare with Zaku's pale orange light red, and Fire red instead of dark red. (to differentiate between them)
Personally I really like decal lines that appear on Okawara illustration, so I spent some time mask paint the white decal lines on the front arm, body, knees and lower legs. The result is very satisfactory!~~
Light red (Body) : 65% Gaia EX01 gloss white + 25% Gaia gloss red  + 10% Gaia gloss yellow. 
Red (Arms, hip, legs, Backpack): 90% Gaia gloss red + 10% Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Black: 90% Gaia gloss black + 10% Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Grey (Internal frame): 60% Gaia gloss black + 40% Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Clear coat: 90% Gaia EX03 gloss clear + 10% GSI EX04 flat clear.
Panel lines: Tamiya enamel 80% black X1 + 20% white X2
Decal lines: Tamiya water base and white.
Bandai Gundam decal (Zaku MS used) + decal from the kit + left over from others kits.

もう一度好敵手! シャア専用ズゴック

Once again the eternal rivial, Char Aznable and his custom moblie suit, following the "Zaku", here comes the MSM-07S "Zgok"!!It is an antique MG kit bought for nearly a decade, bit by bit remodeled it and spray painted it in 2 years ago together with the 2.0 char zaku. (Fullfilling my dream of building a full line of Char's MS, for sure there will be Gegloog(coming soon) and Zeon (nicely in a box), 100 shiki(pending)........anymore? Sazabi? (MG ver.Ka don't roll out too early!)......>o<
再一度好敵手!! 馬沙與他的專用機體, 緊接着"紅渣古", 就是"紅魔蟹" MSM07S!
這MG模型買了很多年, 從素組到改造一點一點終於把它完成噴油 , 剛好跟紅渣的顏色相似,干跪就把它們一口氣KO!! 離我製作全線馬沙機體的夢又近了一步!!
當然還有格鲁古古, 自護號(頭已素組), 百式 (計劃中), 還有........沙煞比!MG ver.Ka 不要那麼快登埸好嗎!

Model kit used : Bandai 1/100 MG Zgok Char Aznable custom commander type

2013年10月14日 星期一

MG Nu working progress

Nu Gundam 1st 1/100 boxart by yoshiyuki takani 

Model kit use: MG Nu Gundam first version
Modification: reference to original illustration
[Head] Extended the front piece above the eyes, drilled through the vents on 2 sides and trimed off the "red beak" part.

[Body] The overall edges has been rounded up, especially on the shoulders. Front wraist armors were enlarged with plastic sheet and putty. (to be cont.)

The 1st MG Nu Gundam

The First MG Nu Gundam released in 2001 (12 years ago), when you compare with the latest ver.Ka perhaps it is not as good in terms of the engineering technologies, advanced features like the LED eyes and the exposable armor for the "psycho mode"<<< It doesn't really appeal to me, maybe it is just an add-on feature from the Gundam Evolve series.
Despite all, it is quite a great kit with great proportion, movable parts, fully removable outer armor and internal skeleton, tight fit for the joins and the most importantly (to me) is that it has a look of the original images of the anime charater 設定 (illustrated spec) from the movie Char Counterattack!
Color scheme : I'm planning to make the white slightly darker (personal prefence), the dark blue on legs change to white. Less yellows on funnels and front arm. (More realistic and it can draw more focus on upper body, good or bad ? I'm not sure now, as long as it is unique ~~)

2013年10月13日 星期日

Char's Zaku works

There were not a lot alteration to do with this kit, hence, I have been focusing on the head, wrist armors and sharpern up the edges (overall parts).

[Head] Narrowed down the window area (more evil look I suppose : > ), extended the "mouth" piece, shaper antenna, mono eye used transperent pink Wave H-eyes.

[Body] Filled up engravings on the chest, and the chamfers on the wrist armors.

[Arms] Sharpern up the shoulder armor. (the movable hands was accidentaly brokened, so I replaced them with gundam 2.0 hands, strangely they looks better then the original one ! :o )

Light red (Head, arms, legs) : 60% Gaia EX01 gloss white + 25% Gaia gloss red  + 15% Gaia gloss yellow.

Dark red (Body): 50% GSI gundam color ジオン軍系シャア専用色(CG22)deep red 40% Gaia gloss red + 10%Gaia EX01 gloss white.

Red (Backpack): 90% Gaia gloss red + 10% Gaia EX01 gloss white.

Black: 90% Gaia gloss black + 10% Gaia EX01 gloss white.

Grey (Internal frame): 60% Gaia gloss black + 40% Gaia EX01 gloss white.

Metallic black (Weapons): 90% Gaia gloss black + 10% GSI gloss silver.

Clear coat: 90% Gaia EX03 gloss clear + 10% GSI EX04 flat clear.

Panel lines: Tamiya enamel 80% black X1 + 20% white X2

Decal lines: Mask painted with Tamiya water base arcylic red and white.

Bandai Gundam decal (Zaku MS used) + decal from the kit + left over from others kits.

2013年10月12日 星期六

"Red Comet" ! Char Aznable custom Zaku II

A very well designed Master grade 2nd version kit. So amazed when it first released. No. 1, the movability is great which allow dramatic action poses. No.2, the outlook design has nicely recaptured the style from the original Kunio Okawara sketches, at the same time added a lot of advance mechanical details to make it more realistic. For sure, I have made a little bit of modification on it to make it a one of its kind Gunpla of my own~
Model kit used : Bandai 1/100 MG 2.0 Zaku II Char Aznable custom commander type

2013年9月29日 星期日

Qubeley slightly modification

我對這套 MasterGrade 的套件大致上巳經很滿意了,所以只想把頭部和兩肩作輕微的修改~
Generally I am pretty statisfied with this Master Grade kit, so I just did a light modifications on the head and the 2 shoulders~

Qubeley 的"鳥嘴"原件感覺上有點鈍鈍的 > < ' , 所以我把它弄尖和修長一些, 出來效果更有"永野"的味道!
The "beak" area of this Qubeley kit looks a little bit flat to me > < ', so I decided to sharpen it up and make it more slim, and the result is a stronger feel of "Nagano Mamoru" style!

Qubeley 的兩肩是其設計的特點,可是感覺上這對1/100兩肩好象誇張了一點的寬闊! 決定把修剪細了!! 整體高x闊的比例都平衡很多!
The two big shoulders is certainly the design signiture of Qubeley! however, this pairs of 1/100 scale shoulders really looks a little too wide in porportion! so I decided to trimed it up and the overall porportion is much more balanced!

"Qubeley" color scheme

This MG Qubeley model was bought in long long time ago. I have 素組 it right t way on the night I brought it home. After so many years later I finally decided I want to spray paint it!!

The colour scheme will be slighty different to original scheme, which is more harmonlize with same hue of magenta in varies tones. I changed the blue circle vents on right shoulder into dark magenta and the inter mechanical parts and the hands in same tone to match with it. Which I suppose will looks more harmonlize and unquie (Recently I prefer to paint my gunplas in more harmonlized color scheme since most of the Gundam's mecha orginal color in the animation series are comes with multiple colours, due to commerical reason?? apperaling to more young audience (little kids at that age who attracted by colorfull objects)??
p.s. - RX78-2's red,blue+yellow is a typical example of colourful robot, however RX78-2's colour is so classic that I don't have any problem with it~ (althought it has been explained by it is being a test type colour)
p.s.2 - Not to mention gundam unicorn all white color scheme which definitely targeting some elder audiences, UC era gundam fans like myself!

Nagano Mamoru's Qubeley

MS AMX-004 "Qubeley" is one of the very unquie and famous MS first appeared in Z-Gundam series. It is designed by mecha master "Nagano Mamoru San 永野護先生" (who is famous for "The five star stories" and "Heavy Metal L-Gaim". The design of "Qubeley" has a very strong Nagano Mamoru's style which can found in many other robot design of him which is elegant, steam-lined, sharp and faminene(?)(well, not really~ but as least this one is!, since it is piloted by famale pilot "Haman Khan" "哈瑪·嘉大人"

"Qubeley" early design sketches

Haman Khan

Other mecha designs by Nagano Mamoru

Another "Z-gundam" MS Hamblhabi is also one of Nagano Mamoru's work


傳說中高達模型這玩意是一種"男人的浪漫" , 我也十分同意...無論在製作過程中,或完成一個屬於自己的模型,感覺也十分使人着迷!希望在這裡與大家分享一下這種特別的"浪漫"!

一直也很想把有關高達模型的東西放上BLOG上, 這個想法現在終於開始實行了! (雖然在海外的時候也有時間製作了一個Gunpla的網站, 但這網站現在已被停用了!)