There were not a lot alteration to do with this kit, hence, I have been focusing on the head, wrist armors and sharpern up the edges (overall parts).
[Head] Narrowed down the window area (more evil look I suppose : > ), extended the "mouth" piece, shaper antenna, mono eye used transperent pink Wave H-eyes.
[Body] Filled up engravings on the chest, and the chamfers on the wrist armors.
[Arms] Sharpern up the shoulder armor. (the movable hands was accidentaly brokened, so I replaced them with gundam 2.0 hands, strangely they looks better then the original one ! :o )
Light red (Head, arms, legs) : 60% Gaia EX01 gloss white + 25% Gaia gloss red + 15% Gaia gloss yellow.
Dark red (Body): 50% GSI gundam color
ジオン軍系シャア専用色(CG22)deep red + 40% Gaia gloss red + 10%Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Red (Backpack): 90% Gaia gloss red + 10% Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Black: 90% Gaia gloss black + 10% Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Grey (Internal frame): 60% Gaia gloss black + 40% Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Metallic black (Weapons): 90% Gaia gloss black + 10% GSI gloss silver.
Clear coat: 90% Gaia EX03 gloss clear + 10% GSI EX04 flat clear.
Panel lines: Tamiya enamel 80% black X1 + 20% white X2
Decal lines: Mask painted with Tamiya water base arcylic red and white.
Bandai Gundam decal (Zaku MS used) + decal from the kit + left over from others kits.