2013年10月29日 星期二

Char's Zgok re-modelling

Not much re-make necessary for this kit, the modification mainly focus on the head and hip area.
1.Similar as the Zaku, the window area is narrowed down so that it looks so much cooler~
2.The armor near front ventaliton have some zigzag details (looks werid some how) so that I have trimed them up.
3.The hip was not wide enough, so that I have enlarged it, the overall shape (upper body and lower body) is much more balance now.
Unlike my Char Zaku color scheme, Zgok is more pinkish light red compare with Zaku's pale orange light red, and Fire red instead of dark red. (to differentiate between them)
Personally I really like decal lines that appear on Okawara illustration, so I spent some time mask paint the white decal lines on the front arm, body, knees and lower legs. The result is very satisfactory!~~
Light red (Body) : 65% Gaia EX01 gloss white + 25% Gaia gloss red  + 10% Gaia gloss yellow. 
Red (Arms, hip, legs, Backpack): 90% Gaia gloss red + 10% Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Black: 90% Gaia gloss black + 10% Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Grey (Internal frame): 60% Gaia gloss black + 40% Gaia EX01 gloss white.
Clear coat: 90% Gaia EX03 gloss clear + 10% GSI EX04 flat clear.
Panel lines: Tamiya enamel 80% black X1 + 20% white X2
Decal lines: Tamiya water base and white.
Bandai Gundam decal (Zaku MS used) + decal from the kit + left over from others kits.
