2014年5月27日 星期二

AMX-004 Qubeley - "The Queen's Machine !! "

Model kit used : Bandai 1/100 Master Grade "Qubeley"

It's been almost 2 years,on and off working on this kit...finally have it completed for some photo shots!! It's a very nice MG model kit, not much modifications required for me except to sharpen up the parts (see this link).

Qubeley is originally designed by Nagano Mamoru 永野氏.My inspiration was to brings out the style of Mamoru's designs which is elegant and exquisite, polished body with a bit of fine decorations.

Glossy finshed: The most time spending on this model kit was polishing the surface for spray painting, in order to achieve the glossy finish for the white parts.(see also colouring). It has gone through quite a few clear coat and then polished with different grades of polishing compounds, it has been a nightmare but the result is pretty satisfactory!!~~

Touching up : Quite a few of red and grey warning sign decals is used for this kit,tiny metal sticker on the chest(too small to be seen ><).I also found some chrome silver flower and butterfly pattern stickers (which is suppose to used for nail decorations), which is perfectly fit with this female used Mobile Suit!! I hope you enjoy it~

光澤的表現 :製作本模型中最花時間是拋光表面和噴漆,從而實現光澤的白色部分。經過多次的透明塗層,然後用了不同粗幼的拋光膏,過程非常耗時,但結果也是非常滿意的! 〜 〜
細節點聚:用了紅色和灰色的警示標誌水貼,在胸前貼了微形金屬貼紙,也發現了一些鍍鉻銀色花朵和蝴蝶圖案的貼紙(這是用於女生指甲裝飾的),恰好地 完全適合這名女生使用的機動戰士!希望大家喜歡~
